Friday, April 17, 2020

Fix Bayonets!

I finished work on a squad of British troops today. Outfitted in Mediterranean kit, they will work well for both North Africa and Italy.


The commander, the Bren gunner and a rifleman. Maybe the 91st Recon will run across this squad somewhere in Ponte della Morte. They are in need of reinforcements and a morale boost.

Now for the misfits! Every squad has them. Pvt. Andrew Connolly refuses to wear any headgear except for his battered cap. His commanding officers have learned to let him be as he is a wonderful soldier in all other respects. Cpl. Roland O'Bryan, on the other hand, developed his skill with a Thompson Gun in the Irish Revolution. He's now a wanted man in his own country for desertion. The way he sees it, Nazi's are a greater evil than the British.

Edit: Blogger seems to be having a hard time displaying my photos. If someone could leave a comment below verifying all 4 pictures are displayed, it would be much appreciated. 


  1. Nice work. I look forward to seeing them enter the campaign.

    1. Thank you! I expect to get 8 more British finished this weekend. Maybe next week they can all meet the enemy together.
