Friday, July 31, 2020

An Imagination Idea! Lets See If it Sticks

An idea came to me tonight and I would love to hear some feedback from my readers on this. I love RPG style hex-crawls but I am not really a fan of RPGs. I have also been looking at my miniature collection and trying to figure out how to use all my WW2 miniatures in one big campaign. The reality is without a GIANT world sized campaign, I can't. 

But then it hit me! If I was to do an Imaginations type campaign, I could do whatever I wanted to. A Japanese style country could fight side by side with a German style country against something styled after the USSR, etc. However I have never done anything with Imaginations

If I was to do this, do I need to change the names of the super powers fighting, or just the subcontinent they are fighting over?

Is it disrespectful to actual history in anyway? 

Would following an RPG-skirmish hybrid hex-crawl appeal better to you more than the mission based hex campaign I have done before?

Thanks again for any feedback or suggestions on this idea. I'll take anything I can get.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Death From Above!

Yesterday the old Testors U.S. Paratroopers set arrived in the mail. The sculpts are from 1979 and it really shows. besides some flat poses and some slightly off sculpting, I think I have made them serviceable. Using some Dragon weapons and ICM American equipment, I tried to give them an updated look. 

Officer and Sergeant. The sergeant was such an awkward pose but I think with the BAR and pistol he looks a bit more natural. 

Two SMG wielding paratroopers. 

Finally two riflemen. The picture doesn't show it well but I think the folding stock carbines really make this squad scream "Airborne".

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Let it Snow!

The first figures finished  at my new bench! I chose to do some American troops in winter gear. The figures are Korean War Marines by Dragon but I gave them white helmet covers so they could in WW2 if I need them too. The first figure I modeled after a good friend of mine that served as a sniper in the 936th Field Artillery Battalion during the Korean Conflict. The Soviet and German sniper teams are nearing completion as well.  

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Empire on the Move!

Big changes here at the 54mm Empire! I finally married my wonderful girlfriend last month and have moved from the Kansas City Metro to central Arkansas. I find myself lacking both a gaming network or modeling space but I shall push onward. Things can't be too bad after all because my better half took the time to buy me two Tamiya tank kits on the honey moon.

The old workbench in a rare state of cleanliness.

The new bench before I start any projects.