An idea came to me tonight and I would love to hear some feedback from my readers on this. I love RPG style hex-crawls but I am not really a fan of RPGs. I have also been looking at my miniature collection and trying to figure out how to use all my WW2 miniatures in one big campaign. The reality is without a GIANT world sized campaign, I can't.
But then it hit me! If I was to do an Imaginations type campaign, I could do whatever I wanted to. A Japanese style country could fight side by side with a German style country against something styled after the USSR, etc. However I have never done anything with Imaginations
If I was to do this, do I need to change the names of the super powers fighting, or just the subcontinent they are fighting over?
Is it disrespectful to actual history in anyway?
Would following an RPG-skirmish hybrid hex-crawl appeal better to you more than the mission based hex campaign I have done before?
Thanks again for any feedback or suggestions on this idea. I'll take anything I can get.