Tuesday, October 29, 2019

More than Five Men in Sicily

With all of the reconnaissance and infiltration complete, I decided to try to break my home brew rules. I played through the armor column passing through the town and being ambushed by heavy German resistance. It seems that multiple loud infiltrations draws a lot of attention. 
Vehicles became bogged down in the streets and it was left to the infantry to slog through bitter house to house fighting.

It became apparent that I need to rework both my vehicle rules and my antitank launcher rules. Vehicles were given a number of actions per turn, but I found this led to either long sprints or stationary sitting while the turret rotated to aim. I will be scratching my head over that one. A German grenadier ambushed my Sherman in a tight alley with a Panzerfaust..... except the scatter die placed it at his feet and collapsed a building on him. I need to rethink using scatter die and blast radius for missed launcher shots.
On the painting table are small scale WW2 aircraft for my hex-grid based combat system. Not 54mm but I couldn't help but feature them.


  1. That poor grenadier! Thought he had a clear shot at the Sherman and a medal and instead crushed himself under a building. Such are the fortunes of war I suppose.

    Rather curious about your aircraft - what scale are they and what size hex do you use?

    1. They are all Axis and Allies board game pieces. Some came from historicalboardgaming.com but were meant as pieces for the game. I don't think they're a standard scale but I have so many of them I find no reason to be a scale stickler. My hexes are 1 1/4 inch but if I was to reprint maps I would probably use 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 inch hexes. The bigger planes can make a dogfight a very close encounter. The rules I use can be found at juniorgeneral.org/air/ww2fast.html
      The rules were written for educators to use with their students so if you are looking for a very accurate altitude and calculus using game, this isn't it. But it plays very fast and it is very fun.

    2. I most definitely should not have gone to historicalboardgaming.com. My wallet is trying to jump out of my pocket!

      I was a big fan of the Junior General site (I have even used their paper figures to fill out my 1/72 Marines), but I confess that it's been too long since I visited. I'll have to check out those rules.


    3. It does magically draw all monetary funds towards it. They are a small company but churn out some wonderful products.
